Other Information
Below are the details of our location, participants, health and schedule in regards to filming. Location: The first location we will be filming in is someone's house. Since we need somewhere to park the car we will be using later, we will film this bit at Alexandra's house. We decided on this location by first discussing the distances all of our group members live from the school. Three out of four of us live far from the school but all in opposite directions. Alexandra, who lives closest to the school, had the primary location for filming. After checking that she would be able to film at her house and is comfortable with this, we decided on this location. The next location we will be filming at is a gas station near Alexandra's house. Since we will be in areas she is familiar with, she will show us the nearest gas station to her house. The final location we will need to film in is a park. To give the film an adventurous road trip feeling, we need nature to surr...